Friday, March 14, 2014

Guest Review: The Family Under the Bridge

Review by:  Colin L.                                                                          March 6, 2014

The book “The Family Under The Bridge” by Natalie Savage Carlson is about this man named “Armond” who was a hobo living under the bridges in Paris. His belongings were pushed around in an old baby buggy. It was around Christmas time, it was in the winter time so it was cold. Armond found the Calcets and the three children under the bridge. Armond did not care for children at first but then at the end he did care for children.Armond found a job and became a business man. The book the “The Family Under The Bridge” did not grab my attention because it was not my interest.   It was a drama book and I don’t like drama books. Although I don't like drama books, I learned from the book that I should guide people into the right way. I also learned from the story that homeless families get encouraged by people guiding them to.    

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